How can therapy help?

Most people seek help when their usual way of handling problems stops working. Therapy helps us discover the most fundamental patterns that form our experience.  By discovering those patterns and experiencing them with self-conscious awareness, we progressively change to become more coherent, grounded, resilient and autonomous human beings.

By |2018-06-03T02:10:25+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How can therapy help?

What is therapy?

Therapy is a process between a professional and a client — an individual, couple, family or group — to assist them to enhance their sense of psychological health.  The technique and approach vary according to the client’s concerns and the therapist’s expertise.

By |2018-06-03T02:07:33+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on What is therapy?

Who should not practice mindfulness meditation?

Yes, those with active hallucinations or under the influence of drugs or some medications.  More commonly, some people need to depart from traditional styles of practice to accommodate special needs. Various forms of trauma often manifest with a difficulty feeling safe with eyes closed so a soft focus approach can be helpful. Individuals with psychotic [...]

By |2018-06-03T01:04:51+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on Who should not practice mindfulness meditation?

Can I meditate if I take medication?

Of course.  If the medication helps the mind, then it’s actually better to meditate with it than without it.  We have seen people with solid meditation practice get off anti-depressants and sleeping medication.  Of course, always consult your physician before changing any medication use.

By |2018-06-03T01:01:37+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on Can I meditate if I take medication?

Why is meditating in a group easier than when I’m alone?

Meditating in a group is often easier for several reasons. We go to a place with the specific intention to meditate.  The presence of others sharing this intention supports our process.  There is energy in a room of people in which experienced practitioners are often said to “carry” the less experienced on “a wave of [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:59:56+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on Why is meditating in a group easier than when I’m alone?

How can I make the best progress?

Don’t pressure yourself.  There is a simple formula for progress: initial instructions and support, regular practice, guidance from a teacher and deeper practice in retreat.

By |2018-06-03T00:57:08+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How can I make the best progress?

How long should I meditate?

We suggest that beginners start with 10 minutes twice a day and progress to 15-minute periods during their training.  Once 15 minutes seems short, we suggest going to 30 minutes because most people experience deeper states of relaxation and concentration between 20 and 25 minutes.  Eventually we sit for 45 minutes or longer as a [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:55:04+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How long should I meditate?

How can I manage distractions such as itches or sounds?

These distractions naturally go away as your concentration increases.  They become noticed but not distracting.  However, if an itch or unpleasant sensation creates an internal aversion that persists, we find in the beginning that it is better to scratch or purposefully move, going slowly and deliberately and using the least movement possible.

By |2018-06-03T00:52:58+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How can I manage distractions such as itches or sounds?
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