Are there religious implications to meditation?

I teach meditation as a non-sectarian practice designed to assist the body-mind system to increase awareness and acceptance.  It is not about adopting beliefs or magical rituals.  A meditator can adhere to any set of religious beliefs and develop mindfulness.  A colleague once said that prayer was her talking to God while her meditation was [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:13:39+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on Are there religious implications to meditation?

How do I empty my mind?

Hah.  Empty your mind, grasshopper?  It is the nature of the mind to think. The problem is that our minds have become too busy.  Attempts to force the mind to be quiet go against the nature of our existence. The mind naturally quiets when it has stability, and stability of mind arises from focused attention. [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:07:31+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How do I empty my mind?

How do I start?

Most people have started long before they arrive here.  You’ve probably tried meditating, read a book or two and wondered if you were doing it right. Right?  The next step is to take a class and develop a relationship with a teacher. Trying to learn on your own makes it harder than necessary, especially in [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:06:46+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How do I start?

What are the benefits of mindfulness meditation?

Meditators with consistent, longstanding practices tend to become calmer and less reactive.  Recent neuroscience studies using functional MRIs (FMRI) have shown that meditation changes the structure of the brain, increasing the capacity to process feelings and thus reducing the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed.  Initially documented in the social sciences, neuroscientists have recently documented positive effects [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:06:06+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on What are the benefits of mindfulness meditation?

What are the basics of mindfulness meditation?

The Buddha taught that there are Four Foundations of Mindfulness.  By training the mind, mindfulness will arise from the activities of the body, the sensations of the body, the activities of the mind and the awareness of the body-mind system.  These are not separate or independent dimensions.

By |2018-06-03T00:04:44+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on What are the basics of mindfulness meditation?

Do you use guided meditation or audio CDs?

We use guided meditation to teach lovingkindness (metta) practice, traditional Burmese body scanning as taught by Saya Gyi U Ba Khin and Sunlun meditation.  Once students can practice independently, we stop guiding their practice.  This fosters skill development and independence.  Relying on external resources such as a recording or teacher leading a guided meditation may [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:04:03+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on Do you use guided meditation or audio CDs?

How is meditation during yoga different from what you teach?

The intentions are different. Meditation at the end of a yoga session intends to assist the body to relax. During a yoga session, the breath is used with the intention to change holding patterns for further release. In mindfulness practice the intention is to directly experience or observe the way things are without holding any [...]

By |2018-06-03T00:01:25+00:00June 3rd, 2018||Comments Off on How is meditation during yoga different from what you teach?

What is meditation?

Meditation is one of a number of intentional practices in which practitioners train their minds or cultivate an experience they define as spiritually beneficial.  At the Insight Center our practice is based on the Buddha’s discourse on the “Four Foundations of Mindfulness” (Satipatthana Sutta) from which we emphasize the non-sectarian practice of training the mind [...]

By |2018-06-02T23:59:36+00:00June 2nd, 2018||Comments Off on What is meditation?

Are there both formal and informal mindfulness practices?

Formal mindfulness practices usually refer to a period of time set aside exclusively for mindfulness meditation. Informal mindfulness practices are any activity that brings us into awareness of the present moment.  The revered teacher Thich Nhat Hahn refers to these as a mindfulness bell.  An example would be to place your awareness on a single [...]

By |2018-06-02T23:50:53+00:00June 2nd, 2018||Comments Off on Are there both formal and informal mindfulness practices?
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